Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How to convert a Pagemaker file to a pdf file?

Tools used: Pagemaker and Distiller

Install Adobe distilled your computer. Adobe Distiller is a localized part of the standard installation of Pagemaker, allowing users to convert Pagemaker documents to PDF files. You can also install custom Distiller from PageMaker CD or as an add-on downloaded from the Adobe website Once you confirm your purchase of Pagemaker. Once installed, run Distiller along with pagemaker and you can create PDF files within Pagemaker interface.

Export PageMaker file to PDF file
Open a file in PageMaker and then select the "File," -> "Export" ->"Adobe PDF". A pop-up window will open. May you customize the PDF settings based on the options in this window. These settings will vary based on your version of the pagemaker and specifications of your system, but possibilities include HTML and security. Once completed, select "Export". And there is a new pop-up window open prompting you to enter a new file name and location for the PDF. Enter them and click "OK". The new PDF file will open in Adobe Reader.

Notes on Exporting
PageMaker file must be exported again if you make any changes to the document. You can choose to re-save the PDF file or create a new one.

How to convert a .pdc to a .pdf?


1) Download LockLizard
Download the latest version of the LockLizard. It is a free program that converts PDC documents to PDF documents. It is available directly from LockLizard.com or from the Download Center at Cnet.com. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen after installation to prepare LockLizard.

2) Open a document
Click "File" menu after opening LockLizard, and select "Open." Locate the file .PDC that you want to convert. Click "open", and the file will appear. Enter the password that was created for the document if prompted.

3) Convert to PDF
Click "File", then choose "Unlock" once on the file. PDC opened. You may be asked to enter your password again. Wait for the program to open the file, and save it as a PDF file regular.